- Rob Rigoni - Guitars, Mandolin, Tenortrope, Vocals
- Santia - Keys, Hurdy Gurdy, Flute, Glockenspeil, Vocals
- Kathy Johnson - Keys, Bass, Guitar, Vocals
Peter Gabriel, Rush, Depeche Mode, Yes, Loreena McKennitt, Trent Reznor
Additional Details
Budapest West has performed on many occasions with professional belly dancers. If you would like to experience the magic of pairing live music with live belly dancing, be sure to inquire with us for details about additional pricing.
About Budapest West
East meets West with Budapest West. A tantalizing blend of modern electronic and unique traditional instruments (such as the hurdy gurdy) creates a spell-binding sonic adventure that audiences love.
Rob, Santia, and Kathy have delighted music-lovers in the Pacific Northwest and beyond with their unique “world beat” sound. Budapest West performances feature an array of instruments and vocals, and provide a special listening experience for all ages.
Come join our sonic adventure of imagination! Whether a music festival, special event, concert, club, winery, or pub, Budapest West brings the musical magic.
Cool Facts
* Budapest West instrumentation includes 12-string guitar, acoustic bass, acoustic guitar(s), tenor trope, drums, electric bass, electric guitars, electronic drums, flute, hand drums, hurdy gurdy, keyboards, mandolin, percussion.
* Budapest West music has been heard on National Public Radio.
* Santia Soul Sounds: Santia creates personalized meditation music for you and for organizations.
* “Tranquility in E Minor” hit #1 on “all instrumental” station.
* Santia penned the trance-rock anthem “Moon Goddess” especially for Tacoma’s 2012 Winter Solstice Event. The recorded version debuted as the clock struck midnight, much to the delight of the Solstice revelers.
* Rob graduated from the Pacific Northwest Film Scoring Institute, and studied music at Bowling Green State University
* Santia has degrees in Education, Human Resources, and Psychology
* John Paul is an expert sound engineer, and has recorded the Tibetan Nuns
* Budapest West's "audience percussion" & "snake dancing" have become live show fan favorites
* Budapest West performs with live professional belly dancers for select events
* All four members sing lead vocals