3/3/2025 11:27:23 PM

Louada Raschke Ministries Power Press Kit

Louada Raschke Ministries


Evangelist Kerrville, TX United States


  • Louada Raschke - Ordained Minister, TV, Radio, Recording Artist
  • Jeff Kanady - Lead Rhythm Guitar, Equipment Mgr.
  • Hunter Kanady - Drummer, Vocalist, Media Management
  • Leah Short - Vocalist, Worship Leader, Media Distribution
  • J.C. Short - Lead Electric Guitar
  • Dawn Kanady - Administrator, Media, Media Mgmt
  • Pam Kanady - Dramatic Skits, Sets, Decor, Product Table
  • Rusty Kanady - Duplication, Equipment Crew
  • Teresa McDonald - Organization, Product Table
  • David & Donna James - Prayer Partner Director, Board Member

Additional Details

www.louada.org; youtube.com, louadarministries; fb: Louada Raschke Ministries

About Louada Raschke Ministries

Louada Raschke is a Licensed, Ordained Minister, Worship Leader, Recording Artist, Songwriter and Television Evangelist. Louada delights in seeing people transformed in God’s presence as they worship and study His Word. Her TV program, “Be Free,” airs 4 times weekly on the national Impact Network featuring anointed Bible teaching and Christian music. In addition, her "Be Free" Radio program airs weekly in Kerrville, TX The Radio & TV Programs feature guest interviews and Biblical teaching. She ministers at churches, conferences, seminars, Aglow International, The Coming King Foundation and other venues.
Louada grew up in a dysfunctional family riddled with alcoholism, drug addiction, rampant divorce, abuse, depression, strife, violence and crime. At a very young age she was engulfed in fear, rejection and hopelessness. There were no Christians in her family but at the age of 10 she accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior. God began the process of healing her broken heart and renewing her mind. Satan tried many times to pull her into the established sin pattern of her family. Through the study of the Word and prayer, she began to understand that she did not have to give into temptation or follow in the footsteps of those before her. God broke the generational chains that had Louada bound. God gave her a future and a hope. He called her into the ministry to preach, teach and minister in music the powerful, life changing gospel of Christ that she had experienced first-hand. Her mission, through the power of the Holy Spirit and the name of Jesus, is to win the lost, set the captives free from addictions, destructive patterns of thinking and lifestyles, to pray for the sick and they recover, and equip the church to do the same. Louada is an intense, fervent worshiper of God and loves leading others in worship. She desires to be continuously aglow and burning with His Spirit. Her life and ministry is built upon John 8:32, "You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free."

Louada Raschke's "A Cross Generations" Band & Ministry Team

Jeff Kanady

Jeff is our rhythm guitar player and equipment manager. He has been married to Dawn since 1990 and they have two wonderful grown children, Kaycee and Hunter and a beautiful granddaughter. We are so blessed to have Jeff on our team. He is a talented and anointed acoustic and electric guitarist. He has a humble servant's heart and is always willing to do whatever is needed, whether it is playing the guitar on the platform, driving the team from point A to B, or behind the scenes setting up equipment. He is faithful and committed to the call of God on his life and the mission of our ministry. He has a special gift of Faith and believes God for big things. He loves to have fun and joke around but is serious about praising and worshiping our God. The Lord has a wonderful future and great plans for Jeff. We are so thankful he is a part of LRM.

Dawn Kanady

Dawn makes sure our ministry runs smoothly and efficiently in the areas of Administration, media and our product table, just to name a few! She works behind the scenes taking care of small and large details that are critical to the success of the ministry. She is sensitive to the needs of the team and goes over and above to meet that need. Her biggest challenge is keeping Louada organized, on task, and keeping her from getting lost-which she is notorious for! She does a great job assisting her in whatever is needed, allowing her to focus more on the ministry of the Word and music. Dawn has a passion for God and His call upon her life. She is a prayer warrior and loves to pray for the breaker anointing to come into people's lives. We are so blessed to have her on our team! Dawn is a mother of 2 and now grandmother to the apple of her eye. She has been married to our Rhythm Guitar Player, Jeff, since 1990. Her favorite scripture is Psalm 103:1-5, “Let all that I am praise Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise the Lord…”

Hunter Kanady

Hunter is the son of Jeff & Dawn. He is our Drummer and also one of our talented vocalists. He plays the piano and guitar beautifully and writes songs as well. Behind the scenes he manages LRM production, including our media sites, filming/editing all YouTube videos, and produces Louada's National "Be Free" TV Program. He has such a creative spirit. He is also very funny and always keeps the team in stitches with a plethora of jokes, voices, and his view of life. He is a man after God’s heart and strives to please the Lord and find the plan He has for him. In addition, Hunter is a college graduate with degrees in liberal arts, and applied science with a concentration in digital video and cinema production. We are so excited because he is learning things that will not only lead him to the exact plan the Lord has for him but he will be using this knowledge to help LRM grow and keep moving forward in the ever changing world of technology. He is an important part of our team and can’t wait to see the plan of the Lord come together in his life.

Leah Short

Leah is an anointed and talented lead/harmony vocalist and worship leader. She has a voice of an “angel” and a worshiper's heart. Leah began singing with Louada in 2000 and loves being a part of her team. She and Louada seamlessly “trade out” singing lead and harmony. Together they have a unique, closely blended beautiful sound. She also manages our product distribution and creates the graphics for the ministry products. Leah is our woman of many talents. Not only does she sing, but she had her own taxidermy business, loves animals, gardening, and building things. We often joke that if we are in need of a tool, it’s probably in Leah’s purse. This isn’t typical of a woman, but Leah is not typical. She has a precious, fun spirit, and is always extremely blessed when someone learns to enter into the presence of the Lord. Leah has been married to Joe Brad since 1994. Together they have 4 boys and 2 grandchildren. Her favorite scripture is Proverbs 3:5 - “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your understanding.” Good words to follow, and Leah certainly strives to follow this in her life.

J.C. Short

J.C. is a delightful young man. He is 2nd in the line up of Leah’s 4 boys. He has a very sweet spirit and always brings joy with him. He is our lead electric guitar player. Whether he is playing upbeat praise songs or sweet worship ballads, he has a unique way of bringing a beauty and depth to worship that leads others into God’s presence. He is very creative with his music and has a signature sound all his own. He also plays the trumpet and has been gifted with the ability to play many other instruments. J.C. started playing with LRM in 2012. That is also when he started playing lead guitar. God has taken his hands and blessed him beyond his own ability in a very short time. J.C. enjoys hunting, fishing, riding his horse, & has a new found love for archery. God has great plans for this talented, outgoing young man.

Pam Kanady

Pam is part of our creative team specializing in the decorating of our office, set design for our TV program, and also produces skits and dramas when we travel to churches and venues for ministry. She is tenderhearted, loves the Lord with all her heart and is always willing to step in and do whatever needs to be done to further the Ministry for the Lord. She is also passionate about winning the lost to Christ and seeing the Captive set free. Pam is the mother of 3 wonderful children who have married and brought her 2 beautiful daughters-in-law and an awesome son-in-law, along with 5 of the cutest grandchildren that are the apples of her eye. Outside of LRM Pam loves to support her grandchildren in sports, works a full-time job for a local Dr.’s office and volunteers lots of time for LRM. She was saved when she was a young child. She has served in many organizations throughout her church including hospitality, Christmas Love, nursery, KIDS church, Reality Strikes and many other areas. She is a blessing to our ministry and we are so thankful to have her. She is also Jeff’s sister and Rusty’s daughter. Family is very important to her so it is no surprise that she is in Ministry with them.

Rusty Kanady

Rusty “Poppy” is also a new addition to our team. He is helping Jeff in the area of equipment set-up & breakdown and also is in charge of Product duplication. He attends our staff meetings and bringing wisdom and insightful prospective to help build the Ministry. He is a precious addition to our team. His tenderhearted approach to helping people is like no other. Rusty has 3 children, 2 daughters-in-law, 6 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. He loves to travel, loves to shoot guns and is extremely knowledgeable about them. He covers our team in prayer and supports and encourages us. He is related to most of the team and we are blessed to have him minister alongside us. He gave his family a legacy by teaching them to read & pray. It is the fruit of his wisdom that gave his family the desire to reach others for Christ.

David and Donna James

David and Donna are the Prayer Team Directors who answer our call-in phone lines any hour of the day or night. Their desire is to be a blessing to you and to support you with prayer. No matter what your need: physical, financial, marital, depression, family issues, or unspoken, they are anointed to share God’s Word and pray with you.
David and Donna pastored the church where “A Cross Generations” band was the praise team for seven years. Prior to pastoring the church in Texas, they were youth pastors at an inner city church in downtown Detroit, Michigan. They are such a blessing. Their heart is to see the broken healed, the lost saved, and anyone in bondage set free.
Donna is a graduate of Rhema Bible College in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Besides pastoring, David traveled as a Sr. Computer Consultant and worked with companies, such as, General Motors, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, and various banking institutions. David is now a critical part of our technical support team for the ministry.
A favorite scripture for the couple is Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV), which reads: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
So be encouraged, God has a good plan for you! David and Donna have experienced God’s wonderful planning; they’ve been married for forty-three years, have three children and six grandchildren. Now that is being blessed.

Teresa McDonald

Teresa is the newest member of the LRM team but has been in ministry along-side many of our team members for years. She is also a very close friend of the family. So close, we call her sister. We are so blessed to have her taking over our Product Table, announcements, and helping us make descriptions for the backs of CD and DVD covers. Teresa will help with anything and is full of wisdom and compassion for people.
Teresa was saved at the young age of 9 years old and was baptized with her Momma in a river in SE Oklahoma. She is married to her wonderful husband Kenny. Together they share 2 sons and 4 grandsons that they love so very much. Teresa is a long-time Nail Tech by trade and also an avid horse lover. Her favorite scripture is Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.

Jack Turner

Jack is Louada’s Daddy and is lovingly called “Daddy” by our entire team. He is a vital part of the LRM ministry; Serving on our Board of Directors, supporting, encouraging , and giving godly advice and wisdom from the standpoint of a father, a mature Christian and a seasoned businessman. Jack served our Country for 20 years, Owns Cherokee Enterprises & Septic Services, and serves on the Board of Directors for his church. He has held the position of Sunday School Superintendent, Sunday School Teacher, and Ley Preacher. He loves the Lord with his whole heart and fully supports the calling on Louada’s life and our team. We are so grateful for his servant’s heart and support he always gives.


"They have led Praise and Worship for my Regional Conference for several years. They bring an anointing and presence of God that leads others into participation of Worship."

-Carol Torrance, U.S. Director Aglow International


"Louada Raschke, and her 'A-Cross Generations' worship band bring you directly into the Throne Room of God. In addition to having a beautiful voice, Louada is also a passionate, anointed teacher of the Word, who dares to live her life close to Jesus and His Holy Spirit. The ideal blend of teaching, preaching, and worship is a rare combination, found in any man or woman. My wife Sherry and I give Louada our highest recommendations!"

-Max Greiner, The Coming King Foundation President, Evangelist, Artist, and Owner
of Max Greiner Jr. Designs


"Louada Raschke is not only an anointed minister, but her spirit and love for humanity is reaching the masses. On a professional basis, Louada and her band offer the finest in praise and worship fellowship, and the music ministry they collectively deliver is motivating and inspiring. Whether on a stage, at church, volunteering their talents at benefits or worship events, even at rehearsals....God is in it!"

-Vicki Johnson, Senior Publicist IATSE 600 International Camera Guild - Film Industry
Senior Publicist for The Coming King Foundation - Kerrville, Texas


"My sincere appreciation and support goes out to Louada and her band. Our time of fellowship and sharing in the Easter Event Celebration at the Cross was very memorable for me. Your talents and heart for the Lord are strong, and I look forward to more times together in praise and worship with you all."

-Lenny Holmes, Producer, Recording Artist, Master Guitarist, Minister of Music,
Industry Credited Songwriter


"Louada and her band are wonderful Christians with a passion for the Lord. They exude their gifts and talents with dedication and heart. I enjoyed the time of fellowship at The Coming King Foundation Easter Event with all of you. Many blessings for your continued success and putting the spotlight on the real star..our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! One Love...Raymone..."

-Raymone Carter, Warner Brothers Reprise Recording Artist, Producer, Lead Vocalist,
Bass Player, Industry Credited Songwriter


Louada with Recording Artist/ Guitar Master Lenny Holmes
Recording Artist Terry MacAlmon praying over Louada
Recording the BE FREE TV Program
Louada & her A Cross Generations Woship Band at the Cross -Easter 2017
Louada with Pastor Dayna Muldoon
Destiny week-Louada with Dr. Beverly and Apostle Wayne T Jackson-Impact Network
LRM Serving our community with The Coming King Foundation Service Project
Recording the BE FREE Radio Program
Recording the BE FREE Radio Program
Louada Baptizing at the Empty Cross
Leading Worship-Rosh Hashana at the Empty Cross
Preaching at Rosh Hashana
The Church @ Boerne
LRM w/Master Guitarist Lenny Holmes and Recording Artist Ramone Carter
LRM Jam Session with Master Guitarist Lenny Holmes and Recording Artist Ramone Carter
LRM @ Cowboy Camp
Aglow Regional Conference
Aglow Regional Conference
Aglow Regional Conference
The Gathering
Easter Resurrection Service
Easter Sunrise Service
Louada Ministering at Family Worship Center
Lou and Leah
Ministry team praying over the Needs of Prayer Line Callers
ministry team praying over prayer line callers
National Day of Prayer 2017
National Day of Prayer 2017
National Day of Prayer 2017
Prayer Partners praying over Louada
All Dressed up!
Prayer for Nation and Community
Prayer for Nation and Community
Prayer Partners
Prayer for the Nation
Prayer for the Nation
Destiny week-Louada with Dr. Beverly and Apostle Wayne T Jackson-Impact Network
Louada Preaching at the Coming King Foundation Easter Resurrection Celebration
Watch & Listen Schedule
Louada with Recording Artist Dorinda Clark Cole