Budapest West

World Beat Gig Harbor, WA United States

About Budapest West

Budapest West blends modern electronic instruments with unique acoustic instruments to create a World Beat sound unlike any other. They’ve delighted audiences at concerts, festivals, wineri ...

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Letters from Afar Other Times Other Places Journey of Imagination Mystic Waters

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  • Rob Rigoni - Guitars, Mandolin, Tenortrope, Vocals
  • Santia - Keys, Hurdy Gurdy, Flute, Glockenspeil, Vocals
  • Kathy Johnson - Keys, Bass, Guitar, Vocals


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Music Reviews By Alan Peterson – Budapest West: Letters From Afar Budapest West's founder and leader, Rob Rigoni's passion for multi-cultural music is in full blossom on the groups initial CD "Letters From Afar". With Rigoni's emotional and slashing guitar riffs, pianist's Ray Hayden's alluring piano and the mood setting rhythm section of bassist Sid Anschell and drummer/percussionist Eric Montgomery, BW takes the listener on an, at times, wild and, at other times, sensitive ride to lands imagined in songwriter Rigoni's creative mind. Rigoni, a resident of Hoquiam Washington, describes the sound as "High Energy International Fusion". With an opening song like 'Galatea' the group hits a high energy mark that sets the stage for the rest of the CD's ebbs and flows of intensity. With 'Ocean Song' and 'Heccta Head' the listener can almost taste the salt air and see the landscape of mysterious lands rising from the mist. "Letters From Afar" is a magical odyssey for the imagination. Rigoni and the rest of Budapest West have set themselves a high water mark for future musical creations that will undoubtedly follow this inspired endeavor. Budapest West: Letters From Afar is available online at

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Peter Gabriel, Rush, Depeche Mode, Yes, Loreena McKennitt, Trent Reznor